Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Resolution of situation in Syria

Dear Mr. President,

I am sending this to the President of the United States, the President of the Russian Federation, and the President of Syria
(via the Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations).

I am greatly encouraged by your current efforts to resolve the problem of chemical weapns in Syria without using military force. In my opinion, the best way to accomplish this goal is for Russia to propose a UN Security Council resolution as follows:

1. Syria will immediately become a signatory to the 1997 Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC).
2. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will dispatch inspection teams to Syria as soon as possible to secure all chemical weapons stockpiles and production facilities with the cooperation of the Government of Syria.These teams should be composed of not more than 10% of members from the United States.
3. Due to the ongoing conflict, the United Nations will assemble forces to protect and defend the OPCW teams. These forces should be composed of units from many countries, with probably most of them from the Russian Federation (since the Russian Army is known to be competent in the handling and transport of these weapons), with the United States providing air superiority and logistical support, but no ground forces. The UNPF forces will not intervene in the civil struggle in Syria, but will only defend the OPCW teams and themselves.
4. The chemical weapons shall be transported from Syria to
internationally-agreed sites for destruction. Chemical weapons
production facilities shall be demolished or rendered inoperable.

I believe that this path will lead to a solution to the current
situation which is acceptable to the international community and with minimal chance of loss of non-combatant life.

Thank you for your time,

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