Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let the Tax Cuts Expire!

Dear Mr. President,

First, let me offer my sincere best wishes to you on your birthday. I hope you had a really good day.

My comment today regards the Bush Administration's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. Since these are due to expire, absent Congressional action, at the end of the year, I suggest that you strongly encourage Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid to use all of the considerable resources at their
disposal to delay any vote on the issue. Force the Republicans to introduce any legislation extending the cuts, and in the Senate encourage the more liberal members to filibuster (real, old-style filibuster) any attempt to bring a bill to a vote before the end of the year. If you want to extend cuts to the middle class, do it in a separate bill next year.

Just my $.02 - as a member of the middle class I am perfectly happy to let *all* the cuts expire on schedule.

Henry Stilmack

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