Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Please, get your act together!

Dear Mr President,

I was an early supporter in 2008. I had the first "Obama '08" yard sign in my neighborhood. For the first time in my life, I contributed my own money to your campaign. I had high hopes that, after the Bush decade, you would finally be able to start bringing this country back to what I've always thought were its core values - individual liberty, personal responsibility, respect for basic human rights, and compassion for the less fortunate among us.

I have to say I have been disappointed. You have failed to close the prison at Guantanamo; you have increased the US military presence in Afghanistan and have committed us to participate in a new war against Libya; you (in my opinion) squandered the opportunity provided by strong majorities in both Houses of Congress to pass a comprehensive universal health care program; you allowed the Bush tax cuts to be renewed; we still do not have any meaningful energy policy; and over 14 million Americans are still unemployed.

Now, the Republicans in Congress are threatening to bring about a potential financial catastrophe unless you agree to forgo any revenue-enhancing measures. Mr. President, we all know that the nation's deficit can never be decreased by spending cuts alone. They are trying to pressure you into draconian cuts to many important programs, after which they may, grudgingly, accept the elimination of some small tax expenditures.

Before considering cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs which primarily help those of us at the middle to bottom of the economic scale, please fight to eliminate all tax credits, allowances, and subsidies to corporations. Eliminate the capital gains loophole for hedge fund managers. Roll back the Bush tax cuts - on everyone, if that's the only way to do it. Bring the troops home. END THE DAMN WARS! Eliminate the FICA salary cap.

Mr. President, I will probably vote for you in 2012. I would like to do so because I think you are the best candidate, rather than the less disastrous alternative. I know that several people who were enthusiastic about your 2008 candidacy are feeling lukewarm, about 2012. I am afraid that, if you continue your current course, a large number of "natural Democrats" will just sit out the election, which could lead to your defeat. I don't want to see that, and I presume you don't either.

Remember: Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono. Malama na kanaka. Malama ka aina.

(You know, the 2500 character limit on the White House contact page SUX!)

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