Thursday, July 21, 2011

Just Raise the Debt Limit, Already.

Dear Mr. President,

As we get closer to the deadline to raise the nation's debt ceiling, I am watching with dismay as all of the involved parties continue posturing without anyone producing a reasonable plan. As I have previously expressed to you, I wish you would insist on a "clean bill" to raise the debt limit - which we have to do - and then use the normal budget process to work out a deal to get the nation's deficit under control. It is shameful if the only way Congress can be persuaded to work constructively on a budget is to hold the process hostage to artificial deadlines that have nothing to do with it.

Really, Sir, we know that the debt limit has been raised twelve times in the last ten years. We know it is simply a bookkeeping measure. You and the congressional leaders are really not fooling any of us that this is some kind of dire, unprecedented emergency.

I am also dismayed by the idea that, once again, the most vulnerable among us are, based on all the proposals being discussed, going to be bearing the brunt of any spending cuts. We know, Mr. President, that Social Security is NOT a contributor to the deficit. We know that simply removing the FICA and Medicare payroll tax caps would make both those programs solvent well into the future, with plenty of time to seriously consider any needed modifications. Many of us feel that cutting student loans is one of the worst things we can possibly do. We do not want the Government to stop ensuring we have clean air, clean water, wholesome food, and safe drugs. We do not want the Government to stop enforcing safety practices for mines, offshore oil platforms, or any other industries.

What we want is for all Americans to pay their fair share. Eliminate the capital gains carry loophole, and tax all income as, well, income. Eliminate the subsidies and exemptions that allow major corporations to pay a lower effective tax rate than the average citizen. End the wars - NOW. Bring the troops home, and start closing overseas bases - we can no longer afford a huge military presence in Germany, Japan, and other places.

As a good starting point, why not revert the budget and the tax code to what they were in 2000? This would be before the Bush tax cuts, and before the doubling of the defense budget. Things weren't so bad then.

I've hit my 2500 character limit.

Malama ka aina. Malama na kanaka.

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