Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sent to Congress today

Dear [Sen. Akaka/Sen. Inouye/Rep. Hirono/Rep. Hanabusa],

I am writing to ask you, in the strongest possible terms, to stand firm with President Obama on the issue of raising the national debt ceiling. In the first place, raising the debt ceiling should not be held hostage to major budget restructuring - it should be, as it has been in the past, a simple housekeeping measure. Given that the Republicans in Congress have forced this wholly avoidable crisis on us, it is extremely important that any budgetary adjustments must include a revenue-enhancing component.

Those of us in the working class have been "sacrificing" for years - although not by choice. We have seen our incomes stagnate, or even decrease, while the prices for everything we need in our daily lives (food, fuel, utilities - especially here in Hawai`i) keep going up. Yet, we see hedge fund managers making billions and only paying a 15% tax rate, and major corporations, also making billions, and paying no taxes at all. How can this be fair?

Please, [$NAME], do not let the Republicans press us into a cuts-only solution here. Personally, I would like to see a dollar-for-dollar match between actual spending (appropriations) cuts and revenue enhancements. Actually, I'd like to see a clean bill to simply raise the debt ceiling, and deal with the deficit reductions later. Of course, I know that if you did that, Congress would never get around to doing that work - it seems that only a deadline with dire consequences can force action.

Henry Stilmack

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